Why you shouldn’t change your schedule around them

So you finally scored a date with that cutie you’ve been eyeing. They gave you a very limited time that worked best for them—but wait—it’s a time conflict for you! You tell them this and they reply, “Well that’s the only time I’m available.” So what do you do? Do you change your plans to accommodate them or do you move on and wait for another time to come up? Continue reading

I am Tired

I’ve dealt with a lot of misery these past couple months; I don’t even know where to begin. So lets back track to the summer, when I was young, dumb, and free. I had hope for the world, hope for my future ambitions, I started this blog thinking I would keep up with it religiously, and for the most part, everything seemed okay.

Then BOOM. Continue reading

Final Post

This is it. The first step into the rest of my life. Yes, I already spend 75% of my time on a computer or phone, but this is different. This is productive…I think. See the key to productivity isn’t just starting, it’s also doing and continuing until it is completed. The key to starting a productive blog? It’s pretty much the same, BUT it’s never just completed. A blog is like a book, every new post is a new chapter in your book. To keep it productive you have to keep posting, until (que dramatic pause) the “Final Post”, which will probably be labeled as so. Continue reading